しばらくして、やっと発達中の脳に特異的な分子(ポリシアル酸, PSA)に対する抗体が採れて仕事を始めた。発達中の脳に特異的な分子なので、当然の事ながら胎生期の脳を研究の対象とした。しかし、その分子が胎仔脳以外に発現していないことを示すためにいつも成体の脳を一緒に染色していた。そんなある時、成体の脳の中でも海馬と呼ばれる部分の一部だけ、その分子の発現が見られた。このことは頭の片隅にいつも気にかけてはいた。だが、最初のうちは正直言って深く考えないようにしていた。自分の研究が根本から崩れてしまうような気がしたからだ。そんな時、ある専門書を読んでいたら、「海馬では成体になってもニューロンが生まれている」との記述を見つけた。この現象は1960年代にJoseph Altmanによって発見されていたが、不思議なことに世の中に広く知られていない研究であった。もしかしたら、この抗体を使った染色では、海馬で生まれているニューロンが見えているのかも知れない。海馬が記憶や学習に係わる重要な部位であること考えると、新生ニューロンによって神経回路が作られている現場が見えることは、極めて重要なことだ。このことに気づいてから、もう一度海馬切片を眺めてみると、以前はそれほど美しいと思えなかったニューロンがとても美しく見えた。ある画像の意味を解明するためには、それを解析するための力量が自分の頭に備わっていなければならないとつくづく感じた。これが私の現在の仕事の始まりである。そして、それ以降次の実験のテーマは、いつもその前にやった実験の組織切片の光景の中にあった。そのようにして、つぎつぎと研究テーマが見つかり、20年以上成体の海馬で新生するニューロンの神経回路形機構を研究してきた。最近は、成体神経幹細胞の起源を知るために、胎生期の海馬を見ている。もともとの研究テーマに戻った感じがする。今から振り返れば、自分の開発したゲームで20年間遊ぶことが出来たようなものだ。そして、気がついてみるとこのゲームをやる人が世界中に現れ、臨床的な応用にも使われるようになった。
Kyoji Ohyama, PhD
Research theme:
Temporal progression of forebrain patterning in vertebrates
Hypothalamus-hippocampus feedback loop as a centre for homeostasis
Adaptive response is crucial for brain homeostasis throughout life. Hypothalamus plays a central role in the homeostatic regulation of neuroendocrine system (Jastroch et al., Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2014; Gorgulho et al., Neurosurg Clin N Am, 2014). The feedback loop between hypothalamus and hippocampus is also critical for stress responses to maintain both physical and mental homeostasis that include body weight, memory, and emotion. Despite the functional significance of adult hypothalamus and hippocampus, the mechanisms that control their development are not fully understood.
Over the past 20 years of advance in developmental neurobiology, it has been revealed that morphogen signals through transcription factor networks govern neuronal diversity and connectivity in the developing central nervous system (Jessell, Nature Reviews Genetics, 2000). Given the concurrent progress in stem cell biology towards ES/iPS cell-based tissue engineering (Christou et al., BMC Neurosci 2014; Assawachananont et al., Stem Cell Reports, 2014; Wichterle et al., Cell, 2002), it becomes increasingly important to advance our understanding of the developmental programme for hypothalamus and hippocampus.
Intriguingly, emerging evidence also suggested that senescent cells play an instructive role for tissue patterning of embryonic brain in vertebrates (Storer et al., Cell, 2013; Espin et al., Cell, 2013). Considering the potential link of cellular senescence with tissue remodelling, it is necessary to investigate a role for programmed senescence both in the patterning and remodeling of the homeostatic centre.
My research foci therefore are three fold:
To understand
1. Temporal progression of hypothalamic patterning
2. Temporal progression of hippocampal patterning
3. Programmed senescence in forebrain development
1. Temporal progression of hypothalamic patterning by BMP7
Using chick as a model system, I am aiming to understand signalling mechanisms by which hypothalamic stem/progenitor cells progress into defined neuronal cells; in
particular, a temporal integration of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs).
Our previous work demonstrated that prechordal mesoderm-derived Shh and subsequent BMP7 are crucial not only for an initial specification of hypothalamic floor plate (FP) cells
but the differentiation of hypothalamic dopaminergic (DA) neurons. Further, we successfully produced hypothalamic DA neurons from mouse ES-derived neural stem cells (Ohyama et al., Development
We also demonstrated that duration of BMP7 signal is crucial for the temporal progression of hypothalamic patterning (Manning et al., Dev Cell 2006; Ohyama et al., Development
2008). I am currently investigating further the molecular mechanism how a temporal BMP signal controls neuronal cell diversity in the developing hypothalamus.
2. Temporal patterning of developing mouse hippocampus
Hippocampus is well recognised as an adult neural stem cell (NSC) niche. Despite its significance in adult neurogenesis, the origin of adult NSC and the signals that specify them have not been well defined. Recent work have identified dentate notch (DN) as an origin of granule neurons and possibly the adult NSC of hippocampus (Seki et al., 2014). However, it is unclear how the DN cells and their derivatives are initially specified and change their characteristics over time. The second focus of my research, therefore, is to unveil signals that govern the development of DN cells and their derivatives over time.
3. Programmed senescence in forebrain development
Emerging evidence suggested that senescence-associated b-gal+ (SA b gal+) cells play an instructive role for tissue growth and patterning of the brain (Storer et al., Cell, 2013; Espin et al., Cell, 2013). Given their potential link with tissue remodeling, I have begun to investigate the role for senescent cells in embryonic forebrain development. In the long term, I am aiming at uncovering the molecular basis of tissue plasticity in vertebrates.
Selected publications
1. Christou, YA., Ohyama, K., Placzek, M., Monk, P., Shaw, PJ., Wild-type but not mutant SOD1 transgenic astrocytes promote the efficient generation of motor neuron progenitors from mouse embryonic stem cells, BMC Neuroscience 14, 126 (2013).
2. Liu, F., Pogoda, H.-M., Pearson, C., Ohyama K., Lohr, H., Hammerschmidt, M., Placzek, M., FGF3/10: direct and indirect roles in innervation and vascularisation of the vertebrate hypothalamic neurohypophysis, Development 140, 1111-1122 (2013) .
3. Pearson C.A., Ohyama K., Manning L., Aghamohammadzadeh S., Sang H., Placzek M., FGF-dependent midline-derived progenitor cells in hypothalamic infundibular development, Development 138, 2613-2624 (2011).
4. Xenaki, D., Martin, I.B., Yoshida, L., Ohyama K., Gennarini, G., Grumet, M., Sakurai, T., Furley, A.J.W., TAG1 and F3/Contactin play antagonistic roles in the regulation of Sonic Hedgehog induced cerebellar granule neuron proliferation, Development 138, 519-529 (2011).
5. Ohyama K., Das R., Placzek, M., Temporal progression of hypothalamic patterning by a dual action of BMP, Development 135, 3325-3331 (2008).
6. Manning L., Ohyama K., Saeger B., Hatano O., Wilson S.A., Logan M., Placzek M., Regional morphogenesis in the hypothalamus: a BMP-Tbx2 pathway coordinates fate and proliferation through Shh downregulation, Dev Cell 11, 873-85 (2006).
7. Das R.M., Van Hateren N.J., Howell G.R., Farrell E.R., Bangs F.K., Porteous V.C., Manning E.M., McGrew M.J., Ohyama K., Sacco M.A., Halley P.A., Sang H.M., Storey K.G., Placzek M., Tickle C., Nair V.K., Wilson S.A., A robust system for RNA interference in the chicken using a modified microRNA operon, Dev Biol. 294, 554-563 (2006).
8. Ohyama K., Ellis P., Kimura S., Placzek M., Directed differentiation of neural cells to hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons, Development 132, 5185-97 (2005).
Sasaki-Takahashi N, Shinohara H, Shioda S, Seki T.
The polarity and properties of radial glia-like neural stem cells are altered by seizures with status epilepticus: Study using an improved mouse pilocarpine model of epilepsy.
Hippocampus. 2020 Mar;30(3):250-262. https://doi.org/10.1002/hipo.23153.
Namba T, Shinohara H, Seki T.
Non-radial tortuous migration with cell polarity alterations of newly generated granule neurons in the neonatal rat dentate gyrus.
Brain Structure & Function. 2019 Oct;224:3247–3262. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-019-01971-0.
Kikkawa T, Casingal CR, Chun SH, Shinohara H, Hiraoka K, Osumi N.
The role of Pax6 in brain development and its impact on pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder.
Brain Research. 2019 1705:95-103,.
Miura-Yamamoto Y, Shinohara H, Kashiwagi T, Sato T, Shioda S, Seki T.
Dynamics and function of CXCR4 in formation of the granule cell layer during hippocampal development. Scientific Reports. 2017 7:5647.
Shinohara H, Sakayori N,Takahashi M, Osumi N.
Biology Open. 2013 Jun 10;2(7):739-49.
Stem Cells. 2008 Jul;26(7):1663-1672.
Tamai H, Shinohara H, Miyata T, Saito K, Nishizawa Y, Nomura T, Osumi N.
Genes to Cells. 2007 Sep;12(9):983-96.
Shinohara H, Horiuchi M, Sato M, Kurisaki J, Kusakabe T, Koga K, Minami Y, Aoki T, Kato I, Sugimoto Y.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2007 Jan;1770(1):5-11.
Li CP, Yoko Hayashi Y, Shinohara H, Ibrahim HR, Sugimoto Y, Kurawaki J, Matsudomi N, Aoki T.
Shinohara H, Iwasaki T, Miyazaki Y, Matsuo K, Aoki T, Matsumoto M, Oka T, Kurisaki J, Mizumachi K, Kusakabe T, Koga K, Sugimoto Y.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2005 May 25;1723(1-3):106-113.
Hanashiro I, Shinohara H, Takeda Y.
篠原広志 (2019)
ファルマシア(日本薬学会誌)55(7): 703